Reseed comment: 1. Added OAD; 2. Re-encoded audio commentary tracks in aac format; 3. Renamed the video track language of some episodes into “und"; 4. Deleted unwanted chapters, and changed chapter language to "en"; 5. Fixed audio delay in some SP tracks; 6. Renamed some SPs; 7. Reorganised CDs according to our current standards; 8. Added ITADVD scans.
本次发布来自 VCB-Studio 旧作重发计划。我们会不定期重发过去发布过的合集,或为补充做种,或为修正制作错漏,或为整合系列合集。 This is a release of VCB-Studio Reseed Project. We would re-upload previous torrents from time to time, to resurrect old torrents with few seeders, to correct errors/omissions, or to batch separate releases that belong to a same series.